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Download Oficial Word. Download Word Frei. UNESCO World Heritage Centre - World.
World Chess Federation - FIDE
What is WWOOF? WWOOF is a world wide network of organisations. We link volunteers with organic farmers, and help people share more sustainable ways of living.
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UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Calendar of events, the guiding principles of the World Heritage Committee, list of World Heritage Sites, special reports and online exhibitions, ways to participate.
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03.04.2013 · Forbes Lists - Interesting lists of the top companies, top celebrities, richest people and much more.
FIDE - World Chess Federation Danish Chess Championship 2013. Monday, 1 April 2013. The Danish Chess Championship 2013 was from March 23rd to April 1st at the

The World Heritage List includes 962 properties forming part of the cultural and natural heritage which the World Heritage Committee considers as having outstanding