Lymphoma in cats colon

Pet Health Guide
Hello! I've an 11-year old long-haired feline who has megacolon. We move around quite a bit, and I have had to shuffle him between vets, and am about to shuffle him
02.05.2010 · Best Answer: It's a pretty scary symptom, isn't it? I know I sure freaked out the first few times I saw it. Leigh Anne has given you some good advice, but
Blood in my cats stool, please help!?.
Infection in Colon
Lymphoma in cats colon
Lymphoma in cats colon
Lymphoma Bracelets | Lymphoma Bracelet. Mass in Colon Hole in Colon Blood in my cats stool, please help!?.Poey's Case Study - The Feline Lymphoma.
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Pet Health Guide provides information on conventional and homeopathic treatment approaches to common dog and cat diseases and conditions.

next story >> Other Diseases/Conditions: Diabetes Story: Poey’s lymphoma was diagnosed on April 26, 2005 with a mass, which was a lymph node pressing against his colon.